So I am out to lunch the other day with my dear friend and the woman behind me is wearing these on her feet. In her defense, hers were black. She was wearing them with one of those velour lounge outfits from Victoria's secret with gold writing on her behind. She was also sporting a black velvet headband with a bow. Lets start at the top. I occasionally pull a Blair and wear headband but a headband (especially one with a bow) is a lot of accessory for a grown-up and everything else you are wearing had better be understated. Second- those lounge outfits are called that for a reason- they are for lounging and no adult should ever leave the house with anything written on her behind. Especially when said lounge outfit is tucked into a pair of Muppets. What did the Muppets ever do to you?! I personally boycott anything made out of a delightful children's character as a matter of conscience.
I love these- I want to create an evening out just so I can wear them. I know I would feel VERY sexy and just a little bit wild. Who doesn't want to feel that way every once in a while?
The lines on these Calvin Kleins are simply perfect. They are a staple, you must have a shoe like this in your closet- they come in black but you all know how I feel about metallics.
OK- so I know I sort of disappeared last week. That toe surgery turned out to be a little bigger deal than I was expecting plus I had all that family and needless to say the blog fell by the wayside. Sorry. So to make it up to you we will continue the open-toed theme this week. Also this week I have decided to add a new feature to the blog. It will be labeled " what not to wear". I just see to many absolutely crazy things that people wear in public to not make snotty comments about it on my blog. Look for the new feature tomorrow. Happy New Year and have a great week!
Calvin Klein knows his way around a shoe. Let's be frank- the man has a pefect sense of line and balance. As evidenced by these-plus I love almost anything in that gunmetal color.
I am having toe surgery this morning. For several weeks my poor little piggies will be quite swollen. To accomodate them, this week we will celebrate the open-toed shoe.
Remember that scene in My Fair Lady when Audrey Hepburn goes to the horse race in that unbelievable black and white outfit with the fabulous hat? That's what these remind me of, but they are appropriate for lots of places besides fancy horse races.
I have lusted after a classic Tory Burch ballet flat for many a month now. They are, quite simply, the perfect ballet flat. And they come in this delightful green. Still working out a plan to get a pair...
I really had no idea that there would such fun things this week. I really want these to wear with my lbd to Christmas parties. The perfect unexpected, and yet seasonal, touch.
Aren't these adorable. If you, like me, live in a place with only minor amounts of snow you could totally wear them on those nasty, slushy days. If you hail from colder climes, you should buy them for spring- they're on sale!
I put up my Christmas tree this week and what with the pines boughs and all I am feeling rather fond of green. It's a lovely punch of color on an otherwise dreary day.